发布时间: 10-10 浏览次数:58 1. 项目概况: The government of Barbados, through the Barbados Cane Industry Corp (BCIC) has established a Cane Industry Restructuring Project (CIRP). The objective of the Project is to restructure the Sugar Cane industry in Barbados to operate at a higher level of efficiency and produce new products such as ethanol, electricity by cogeneration, special sugars, etc. Based on a study conducted by Shaffer Associates in 2005, CIRP is charged with building a new sugar cane factory to produce refined sugar, special sugars, molasses, ethanol, electricity, fancy molasses, bottled water, and other products of the sugar cane. The objectives of this project are to restructure the sugar industry of Barbados in a manner that: (i) maximizes the value of sugar cane to the Barbados economy by providing financial benefits to all stakeholders; (ii) realize other income streams to sustain the industry ( ethanol, electricity etc). (iii) reduces the level of subsidy that the Government contributes to the industry; (iv) retains the “look and feel” of Barbados for future generations, while meeting the green energy objectives as stated in the National Energy Policy; 2.合作意向: As a part of the new efficiency, the gasification of Bagasse and the subsequent generation of electricity is a priority. As China is a world leader in the use of this technology ( see attached pdf file) we are wondering if any of your businesses have developed a commercial plant for bagasse gasification and if there in any interest in working with us to design build and commission such a plant in Barbados. 3.联系信息: Charles Briggs BSc(Elect.Eng), MBA, CEng Project Manager Cane Industry Restructuring Project Barbados Cane Industry Corporation Warrens House Warrens St. Michael BARBADOS TEL : ++1 246 4214141 (Office) : ++ 1246 4210635 (Direct) : ++1 246 2305225 (Mobile) FAX: ++1 246 4389217 EMAIL: cbriggscirp@caribsurf.com