发布时间: 5-21 浏览次数:169 SPN construction supplies high quality Chinese products for the construction industry, making housing more affordable. Company's current range of Chinese products is growing, but includes waterproofing products, building hardware, retractable fly screens, and prefabricated modular housing. SPN also facilitate partnerships between Australian and Chinese organisations, using the experience and expertise of one of our principles who is Beijing born, with marketing and commercial experience in Australia. There are significant cultural differences both historically an in the existing commercial environments. SPN can assist you reduce construction costs on projects without loss of quality or other performance factors. Most of SPN's Chinese suppliers already export to Europe and United States and meet certification requirements. Tel: 61 2 9037 0324 Fax: 61 2 8569 0254 Email: info@spnconstruction.com.au P. O. Box 6320 North Sydney NSW 2060