加拿大求购工作靴.Buy Safety Work Boots-世界买家网-国际买家 全球买家
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[求购]加拿大求购工作靴.Buy Safety Work Boots

更新时间:2024-05-29   浏览/回复:205次/0次  [收藏此信息]

    Looking for 30000 piece of work safety boot. Leather, waterproof, steel toe, and plate, insulated and tie off above ankle. Please send sample photo of item that meets requirement, include lead time for delivery, and of COST. Please also include the material use spec sheet for the item. If you don’t have it get it and take the time it be sure it is included. Please DO NOT ASK ME TO LOOK AT YOUR WEBSITE. NOTE ===== I will get lots of replies as we all know, so if you have not read the above and complied you can be sure you will not be read and will be mark spam and blocked from all other tries. The reason for this is simple I don’t want ongoing email interfering and confusing me with the ones I have responded to. Please reply to emails and don’t start a new thread as again you will be delete and marked as spam. My past experience has shown me I cannot keep track unless I see the whole thread in the same email. Contact Infomation Company: Steve Person: Mr. Steve Emo Address: 112 Georgian Drive, Oakville, On, Canada Telephone: 905-257-8697 Fax: 905-257-8697



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